Το προσωπικό μου podcast! Ένα podcast χωρίς συγκεκριμένη θεματολογία, αλλά με αφορμή τις αβλαβείς μου βλάβες, κολλήματα (bugs) στο λειτουργικό μου, που με οδήγησαν σε κάτι καλό, όπως στο Ραδιόφωνο, σε Ταξίδια, σε συζητήσεις με τον Χρόνο ή ακόμη και στη συγγραφή fiction ιστοριών.


Επαγγελματικές εκφωνήσεις για τηλεοπτικά, ραδιοφωνικά και Social Media Video My latest GREEK VOICE OVER TVC and VIDEO reel! MY GREEK VOICE OVER TVC and videos Reel. Ενημερωμένο Demo reel με μερικές από τις σημαντικότερες εκφωνήσεις μου για τηλεοπτικά διαφημιστικά και video. Need a GREEK VOICE OVER? Please contact My website for people with disabilities: http://voice-over.gr/ With over than 20 years …

Greek voiceover mirophones

MIC SHOOT OUT: Vanguard V13 – Neumann TLM67 – TLM103 and 3 more!

MIC SHOOT OUT: Vanguard V13 – Neumann TLM67 – TLM103 – Advanced Audio CM87 – Warm Audio WA87 – AKGc214 Here is a new mic shoot out – tasting with 6 condenser microphones i have in my studio. Of course this is not a “scientific” shoot out, i just tried to do a “tasting” for anyone that would like to …

Greek voicovers - microphone shoot out

Voice over microphones

LOW COST USB vs PROFESSIONAL Voice over microphones: How does a low cost usb mic compare to some professional ones? Many people send me messages asking how to start in the field of voice overs and among other things, which are the best Voice over microphones and what the equipment should be. That’s a long conversation, especially if you get …

Voice over mics and gear testing

I love mics and audio gear! So i have created a Voice over mics and gear testing Youtube playlist with some shoot out and testing videos i record with my gear. (mostly mics and preamplifiers)I hope they will be useful if you are looking for a new buy!Even though as that as a Greek Voice Over actor i had to …

Mic Shoot Out WA87 – V13 – TLM103 (colored)

(Golden Age Project & UA710 preamps) Mic Shoot Out WA87 – V13 – TLM103 (Greek Voice over)After the Mic Shoot out i uploaded few months ago (with the 5 mics of my collection) i decided to post another one – this time as i usually use them (3 of them actually) in my Greek Voice Overs studio. So i run …


A “dark” time travel Radio Show Some (few) of my all time favorite female voices in a “time travel” radio show from the 80s until early 2000, starting with the Dark series theme which was the final trigger to record this one. Hope you enjoy! 60 λεπτά με θαυμάσιες και αγαπημένες (μου) γυναικείες φωνές που δεν ακούγονται συχνά (αλλά και …

My mixing courses – Radio show

Besides my voiceover work lately i studied some mixing and mastering courses and created my version of 5 wonderful songs!You can listen to them in a 25 mins radio show in the player or my mixcloud!Πέρα από την κύρια δραστηριότητα μου, που είναι οι εκφωνήσεις τον τελευταίο καιρό έκανα και κάποια μαθήματα μίξης και mastering τραγουδιών. Σε αυτό το μικρό …